I don't know about you, but all that stubborn fat seems to settle around our belly, making our waistline invisible. You can even lose a lot of the weight that you want to lose and still you will be left with stubborn belly fat. So the question is, how do you lose that belly fat? I am here to answer that question. The answer is you have to choose for it to come off. You can make choices that will lead you to lose that belly fat. Let's talk about our choices.
First, you have to choose that you will do what it will take to lose that belly fat IN SPITE OF your family saying you can't do it; IN SPITE OF your friends urging you to have just one more cookie; IN SPITE OF everyone around you making bad choices.
There are small choices you can make that will lead you to lose that belly fat. Are you getting enough exercise every day? Getting your heart rate up to its recommended rate for your age, body type, etc, for 20 minutes each day is the beginning of boosting your metabolism. You don't have to spend lots of money on a gym membership to get healthy. Begin by parking further away from the store and power walking to it and back. Walk up and down your stairs for 15 minutes each day. Hold a sack of flour and do lunges around your house. You don't have to spend lots of money, just be creative.
Are you eating too much? If you consistently keep putting on more and more pounds, the chances are your body doesn't need as many calories as you are giving it each day. You may just need to ease up on the amount of food you put on your plate at each meal. Look at your food portion and put a little back. Your stomach is in no way an indicator of how much food you need, but simply how much food you ate yesterday. Your stomach gets stretched out more and more every time you over eat.
Are you eating healthy foods? If your dinner consists of ice cream and cereal each night, you are probably getting too many calories each day. Help out your metabolism by eating fruits and vegetables as well as protein to give you energy.
Are you drinking enough water every day? Did you know that your body has to remove the toxins that are stored around your fat cells before it can begin to use those fat cells? You can't get discouraged after one week that no weight is coming off. Depending on how many toxins are in your body, you have to get those toxins out first, then you will see your body start burning the fat cells.
You can't target certain areas of your body but when you begin to burn those fat cells, you will begin to lose that belly fat as well. By making new small choices each day you will begin to lose that belly fat and see a happier slimmer you start to shine through.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophie_O'Brien
The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet by fat loss "guru" Josh Bezoni's is a safe, effective and proven program that works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.
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What is that thing that’s been growing around your mid-section since you started college? Is it a beer belly? Is it belly fat? Is it lower belly fat? Is it tummy fat? Is it a gut or a beer gut? There are so many names for the fat that builds up around our stomachs, is it any wonder why it’s become a national obsession? But don’t misperceive our obsession with fat as war on fat. A little body fat is actually good for you. It keeps you warm and helps your body maintain a sufficient core temperature and nutrients when we get sick and can’t eat.are you one of them click here http://how-to-reduce-stomach-fat.yourhealthorbit.com/ to reduce belly fat
ReplyDeleteWhat is that thing that’s been growing around your mid-section since you started college? Is it a beer belly? Is it belly fat? Is it lower belly fat? Is it tummy fat? Is it a gut or a beer gut? There are so many names for the fat that builds up around our stomachs, is it any wonder why it’s become a national obsession? But don’t misperceive our obsession with fat as war on fat. A little body fat is actually good for you. It keeps you warm and helps your body maintain a sufficient core temperature and nutrients when we get sick and can’t eat.are you one of them click here reduce belly fat