Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eating healthy to Lose Weight – A Simple Weight Loss Plan

If you wish to lose weight, there are so many fitness programs and weight loss diets to choose from. However, we are not sure about most of them if they are really effective. And sometimes, we give a lot of effort just to end up with no results. Fortunately, there is a way to avoid this problem. That is to eat healthy. Eating healthy to lose weight doesn’t mean to eat tasteless unsatisfying foods, but rather changing your daily eating habits into good eating habits. Here are some tips that might help you accomplish this :

Always eat a balanced meal. Many food products in the market claim that they are low carbs, low fat, or low cal. However some of them are also low quality foods. Foods that are processed to reduce fat or calories may also have low nutrients, and therefore be unhealthy. Why eat these foods when there are plenty of natural foods which are fibre-rich and healthy?

Have a reasonable amount of body rest. You may be thinking how does body rest affect eating healthy to lose weight? The reason is that when our body is too tired, it releases a hunger hormone to tell us that we need more energy to keep going. Even if you are eating healthy foods to lose weight, when your body is too tired, it will only negate everything.

Do not skip meals. If you think that you can save calories by skipping meals, you’re wrong. Because later on your body will feel hunger pains and it will probably take more calories on your next meal. It is also advisable to eat lighter meals but more frequently. This will make your metabolism high and you will not feel hungry between meals.

Chew your food at a slower rate. Most of us are in a hurry when we are eating our food because we lack time during breaks or even when going to work, but eating your food fast will affect your digestive system and it may not work properly. You may also feel bloated because you didn’t realize you overate. When you chew your food slower, your digestive system can work properly and will signal your brain that you are full, preventing you from eating another round and helping you lose weight.

Eat a heavy breakfast and light dinner. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it makes your energy high and keeps your blood sugar at a normal level. If you missed your breakfast, you will feel sluggish and will crave for food. And if that happens, you may not control your food intake. Dinner is also important, but because our metabolism is slower at night, you should limit your night meals because excessive food intake will be stored as fat.

Drink plenty of fluid. Water and fruit juices are also important in eating healthy to lose weight. Studies show that thirst is often mistaken as hunger and a well-hydrated body does not experience hunger as often.

These are just a few tips on how to manage your daily eating habits.

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet is a safe and effective way to lose belly fat fast. The program works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To learn more and to watch a Free video go to

=> http://The7daybellyblastdiet.weightloss-secrets.org

To learn more effective ways of losing weight go to


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lose Stomach Fat - How the Size of Your Midriff Defines Your Look

The size and shape of our body has a huge impact, not only on how we look, but also how we feel about ourselves. If you're like most people out there, this is the year -like last year, and the one before that- you're going to lose your stomach fat.

Fashion flatters the skinny, with all the best colors and designs cut small. Those who don't fit the cut are left behind. Not only can you pretty much forget finding the latest runway style in your size with all that stomach fat -you might have trouble finding anything you like at all! Maybe you've even kept your New Year's resolution, stuck to your diet, and lost the weight -but you still can't get rid of that stubborn belly fat.

While the complications that arise from being overweight are obvious, you may not be aware of the serious danger the fat around your stomach could be putting your health in. And if the effects on your health weren't enough, this unsightly belly fat also takes its toll on your personal life and even your career.

For those who've struggled for years against their weight, simply walking out the front door -or letting anyone else in- becomes enough to induce an onslaught of shame and humiliation, to the point that these individuals often simply surrender to the lifestyle of an obese recluse.

Nor do you have to be morbidly overweight to be embarrassed by relentless stomach fat. The skinny victim of a large belly runs the humiliating risk of having their stubborn fat mistaken for an expectant child or keg from last weekend's festivities.

Countless concerned family and friends will all no doubt forward you the latest dietary breakthroughs from the AOL or Google headlines -the ones you've secretly already read and tried to no avail- in an effort to be supportive, and with each failed attempt you just sink lower and lower. Then there's that embarrassing moment, when you know you've reached your breaking point, when your significant other gently squeezes your love handles -by the fist full- and subtly hints at a new hobby you two could pick up together, involving several hours at the closest gym. While you could choose to turn a deaf ear to the whispered comments you thought you heard from that tall skinny goddess at the mall or that bodybuilding hunk at Starbucks, there's nowhere to hide from a loving hand on your gut. Now you just have to lose that stomach fat.

Yet all the latest revolutionary breakthroughs in diet and exercise seem to target fat everywhere but where you want to lose it the most. It's like you and your tummy are locked in an endless battle to lose stomach fat -an uphill struggle your smug pudge keeps winning.

Have a look at the best programs we have found to help Burn Stomach Fat without fad diet pills or useless exerciser gizmos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tamara_Laurens

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet by fat loss "guru" Josh Bezoni's is a safe, effective and proven program that works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To get access to a Free video to learn more, go to


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lose That Belly Fat

I don't know about you, but all that stubborn fat seems to settle around our belly, making our waistline invisible. You can even lose a lot of the weight that you want to lose and still you will be left with stubborn belly fat. So the question is, how do you lose that belly fat? I am here to answer that question. The answer is you have to choose for it to come off. You can make choices that will lead you to lose that belly fat. Let's talk about our choices.

First, you have to choose that you will do what it will take to lose that belly fat IN SPITE OF your family saying you can't do it; IN SPITE OF your friends urging you to have just one more cookie; IN SPITE OF everyone around you making bad choices.

There are small choices you can make that will lead you to lose that belly fat. Are you getting enough exercise every day? Getting your heart rate up to its recommended rate for your age, body type, etc, for 20 minutes each day is the beginning of boosting your metabolism. You don't have to spend lots of money on a gym membership to get healthy. Begin by parking further away from the store and power walking to it and back. Walk up and down your stairs for 15 minutes each day. Hold a sack of flour and do lunges around your house. You don't have to spend lots of money, just be creative.

Are you eating too much? If you consistently keep putting on more and more pounds, the chances are your body doesn't need as many calories as you are giving it each day. You may just need to ease up on the amount of food you put on your plate at each meal. Look at your food portion and put a little back. Your stomach is in no way an indicator of how much food you need, but simply how much food you ate yesterday. Your stomach gets stretched out more and more every time you over eat.

Are you eating healthy foods? If your dinner consists of ice cream and cereal each night, you are probably getting too many calories each day. Help out your metabolism by eating fruits and vegetables as well as protein to give you energy.

Are you drinking enough water every day? Did you know that your body has to remove the toxins that are stored around your fat cells before it can begin to use those fat cells? You can't get discouraged after one week that no weight is coming off. Depending on how many toxins are in your body, you have to get those toxins out first, then you will see your body start burning the fat cells.

You can't target certain areas of your body but when you begin to burn those fat cells, you will begin to lose that belly fat as well. By making new small choices each day you will begin to lose that belly fat and see a happier slimmer you start to shine through.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sophie_O'Brien

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet by fat loss "guru" Josh Bezoni's is a safe, effective and proven program that works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To get access to a Free video to learn more, go to


and see how quickly you can get started losing that extra belly fat.

You'll be so, glad that you did

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Learn How To Lose belly Fat Fast

Do you want to get quick weight loss results without having to starve yourself or feel bad in the process ? Most people interested in weight loss do want quick lasting results. The problem often is that the process that they choose to use to get the quick weight loss results, often isn't a comfortable or convient process that will work for them long term.

The truth is for you to get fast, safe and good weight loss results you have to first realize and except that it is possible to lose weight quickly, safely and easily. By adopting this new belief on a daily basis this will make it possible for you to achieve your weight loss goal. you will be more than half way towards winning the weight loss battle.

You also have to be ready and willing to make quick, safe and smart changes in your current eating, drinking, resting and exercise habits. The best time to make any kind of improvements in your life is right now, starting today. By starting right now to make the changes necessary to reach your weight loss goal, you will achieve it faster and enjoy your results sooner.

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet by fat loss "guru" Josh Bezoni's is a safe, effective and proven program that works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To get access to a Free video to learn more, go to


and see how quickly you can get started losing that extra belly fat.

You'll be so, glad that you did