Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Best Time to Eat to Maximize Your Workout Effort

There are several schools of thought regarding eating and exercise. One school says that you should not eat before you workout at all. One says that you should have a small snack before working out and then again after you finish. The timing of food and exercise is important, but it is equally important to pick the right foods. After all, if you eat something that is too big or heavy, you will feel sluggish and will not be able to exercise up to your full capacity. On the other hand, if you are hungry or dehydrated, you will not be at your best either and you may feel dizzy, weak, or tired in the middle of your workout or immediately afterward.

There are several things that you should keep in mind when exercising, especially if you are working out for long periods of time or are working especially hard, including when to eat and what to eat. No matter what kind of workout you are doing, you should make sure that you are getting enough to drink so that you do not get dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems if it is prolonged.

David is an endurance athlete, Allen is a strength trainer, and Varonda is a new exerciser. Varonda enjoys a few different types of exercise, but she is not sure of how to eat or when to do it so that she can make the most of her time and effort. According to David, she should eat huge portions of protein, while Allen says that she should eat higher carbohydrate meals. Depending on the type of workout that she is about to do, they both might be right.

All three athletes should start with a healthy breakfast, unless they are going to work out immediately. If so, they should have a light snack that could include bananas or a glass of milk. Another option is an apple with a little peanut butter. If you are going to have a large breakfast, it should be three to four hours beforehand. A smaller meal or light snack can be eaten an hour before the workout. No matter what type of workout you do, replenishing the energy that has been burned through exercise is very important, especially in the case of very intense workouts.

Allen, the strength trainer, tends to eat a small snack before his workout, which can last around two hours and involves lifting very heavy weights as he trains for an upcoming competition. If he does not, he will not see any muscle gain because his muscles will continue to burn energy for up to 24 hours after the workout ends.

Without a new source of food, including protein, during this time, the rate of protein breakdown will exceed synthesis, equaling a loss of lean muscle mass. For his most intense workouts, Allen should have protein both before and afterward. He can use whey protein powder supplements, which are beneficial because whey is a fast protein, easily assimilated in the body and is high in the amino acids arginine and lysine, which stimulate a growth hormone called IGFI. Whey also contains glutamine, which can prevent fatigue and overtraining. Whey is also the highest natural food source of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs), which have the benefit of being assimilated directly to muscle tissue.

If Allen would prefer not to use whey protein for any reason, he can use chocolate milk as a post-workout recovery drink, which will give him both protein and carbohydrates for fast energy and muscle recovery. However, if he has any problems with lactose intolerance at all (which would rule out the use of either option), he can use Proasis, an all-natural liquid protein supplement from Profect which is lactose-free and hypoallergenic. It is also available in a number of flavors and will give him more protein per serving than other choices would (25 grams per 100 calorie serving).

David, the endurance athlete, prefers to eat a carbohydrate- and protein-filled breakfast three hours before heading out for a run. He is working his way towards doing a second marathon, with the hopes of improving his time performance from the first one that he ran. Because he knows that an extremely high amount of protein can hurt both his endurance and maximum effort, he will use a smaller amount of it before his workout, replenishing afterward so that he does not have any problem with muscle loss. His diet plan includes: 55-65% of complex carbohydrates, 25-30% of fat and 12-15% of protein. (Source: Quinn 2007) While some people may think that the fat content in this diet plan is fairly high, they should keep in mind that his calorie burn is excessive while he is in training and he is working towards running over 26 miles at one time.

While he is taking in a smaller protein count, David still uses a protein supplement, especially as a boost immediately after he is done with his run. Profect, another protein supplement from Protica, is also a small liquid, but has 25 grams of protein per serving and can be consumed in seconds. Like Proasis, it has several different flavors to choose from.

Varonda does not have a set plan for eating, nor does she have a set workout. She may wake up and feel like doing yoga or Pilates or may go for a run. Some days she does some strength training and some days she goes for a swim. No matter what kind of workout she chooses to do, she should base her eating on how she feels before and afterward. If she feels lightheaded or dizzy during or after her workout, she should eat a little more the next time; if she feels sluggish during the workout, she should eat less. Varonda is also using Profect after her workouts, which is helping her not only to replenish her protein but to stay full after she is finished. At one time, she was working out and then driving home from the gym with her hand in a fast food bag because she was famished. She was not losing weight like she wanted to because she was constantly eating the wrong foods. Now she has Profect, which is only 100 calories but contains 25 grams of protein which keeps her full and happy. She drinks the single-serving shot and then drives home with nothing but her water bottle beside her.

All three must be careful to watch their protein intake because a high-protein diet can lead to dehydration, even in a highly trained athlete. It is possible that 3 out of every 4 Americans are chronically dehydrated, which is dangerous because a small decrease (2-3%) reduction in body water can have a negative impact on athletic performance and cardiovascular health. (Source: Quinn 2004)

Protica Research (Protica, Inc.) specializes in the development of Capsulized Foods. Protica manufactures Profect, IsoMetric, Pediagro, Fruitasia and over 100 other brands, including Medicare-approved, whey protein supplements for renal care patients. You can learn more at Protica Research

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet is a safe and effective way to lose belly fat fast. The program works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To learn more and to watch a Free video go to


To learn more effective ways of losing weight go to

Friday, January 7, 2011

Eat Your Way To Good Health

Many people looking to lose weight will go to great lengths to adhere to strict diet regimes often feeling deflated if they fail to successfully lose enough weight. The secret to losing weight is to change the bad eating habits into good ones. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle all the time will help keep the pounds off, for good.

Healthy Eating Tips:

Eat regular small meals

Obesity is closely linked to blood sugar levels. When we have peaks and dips in our sugar levels, we can crave foods high in sugar to try and bring our levels up again. It is more efficient to keep blood sugar steady and reduce cravings, and therefore the tendency to overeat, or to eat fattening foods. By eating smaller portions regularly we can maintain a balanced blood sugar.

Avoid high sugar snacks

There is a tendency when hungry to eat high-sugar or carbohydrate snacks. This is because they contain the quickest form of energy. However, this kind of snacking will cause blood sugar to fluctuate and can cause cravings and mood swings. Also, these 'empty calories' have little nutritional value and can be fattening, because the body cannot use of the sugar and it is converted to fat tissues. Try and choose snacks with a low glycemic index (G.I) that help to balance blood sugar and are less fattening.

Low GI foods- Oats, cereals, rice-cakes, rye bread, nuts and seeds (unsalted) dried fruits, apples, carrots, most fruits, high fiber cereals, rice and pulses.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables

On of the best ways to make sure you are getting a full range of vitamins and minerals, as well as plenty of fiber, is to eat a wide range of fruit and vegetables. Many of us tend to stick to the favorites and eat the same vegetables and fruit each day. Adding variety, helps to broaden nutrition and will also keep meals interesting.

Reduce Carbohydrates

Cakes, cookies, pancakes, pasta and wheat products are high in carbohydrates which can be especially fattening, because they are high in energy or sugars. We need about 45-65% Carbohydrates in our diet, as our cells need Carbohydrates to convert into energy. However, the more carbohydrates we get from raw plant foods the healthier we will be. Try eating more cereals, vegetables, fruit and raw products which have a lower glycemic index (G.I), rather than processed and refined carbohydrates which can cause weight gain, as well as bowel problems, such as candida and constipation.

Drink plenty of fluids

Dehydration can have an impact on our body's ability to absorb nutrients from food as well as excrete wastes. Adequate fluid balance is necessary for all cell functions as well as colon health. Water is absorbed from the large colon, into the bloodstream, and acts as a carrier for water soluble vitamins to be absorbed from the gut into the blood for distribution to vital organs. It is advisable to drink eight 8 (oz) glasses of water per day.

Take plenty Omega oils and EFAs

Omega oils and essential fatty acids help the body to absorb nutrients, are immune boosting and also help to lower cholesterol and unhealthy fats in the body. You can increase your Omega oils intake, by eating oily fish, eggs, and also nuts and seeds, or by taking a supplement such as pumpkin, hempseed, flaxseed oil.

Following these steps above can greatly increase your health while helping you lose weight. Making the right choices will lead to a healthier you.

Dr. William Mckenna offers a unique approach to weight loss: Braincore therapy. Instead of diets and food regiments, he deals with the source of the problem, the brain. This program offers online support and dozens of healthy recipes. For more information on Braincoreweight loss therapy please look at::>

The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet is a safe and effective way to lose belly fat fast. The program works by recommending wholesome, natural foods (without something called "obesity additives") and changing the calorie intake every 7 days (something coined "calorie confusion") so the body never hits a sticking point.

To learn more and to watch a Free video go to


To learn more effective ways of losing weight go to

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hypnotherapy Weight Loss-Real Help For Losing Weight

There are a lot of people who have problems with their weight and those problems range from being just a little bit over weight, all the way up to being chronically obese. They may have tried many different diets or programs in the past without being able to get lasting results. One of the main reasons why this happens is that they lack the self discipline and self motivation after a few short weeks into the program.

Some are not even interested in developing a personal plan to lose weight and others may really want to shed the extra pounds, but they never take any real action towards their goal. For these reasons they remain overweight and unhealthy.

Hypnotherapy can be the ideal solution for someone who is having these weight loss issues. This is a very easy and effective treatment method. One of the best benefits of using a hypnotic method for weight loss is that in addition to getting in better physical condition, the person may also get a healthy and positive mental attitude, which will help them stick with their weight loss program until they get their desired results. So they can actually end up in better physical and mental shape as a result of using a hypnotic approach.

As in many other hypnotic treatment methods, hypnotherapy weight loss sessions also provide the person with helpful suggestions that help them be more receptive to losing weight or using a weight reduction program. Hypnosis programs help them to want to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

This is usually achieved by creating a comfortable state of total relaxation in which positive suggestions are more easily accepted by the persons subconscious mind. As a result, the person will be more willing to start and stick with a weight reduction and exercise program. These are positive changes that can be enjoyed by the person for a lifetime.

A comfortable and willing attitude is the key to success and making the needed changes. Unless the person feels comfortable with the changes that they'll need to make, then it won't work for them. This is why hypnotherapy weight loss is accepted as a positive method for helping people lose weight and get into better shape.

While hypnotherapy is usually done by a certified hypnotherapist (CHT), there are a lot of people who prefer to use self hypnotherapy to lose weight. The behavioral changes brought about through a hypnosis session in the therapist's office can also be achieved through suggestions that one gives to ones self.

Here, the person learns how to become their own practitioner. This will allow them to effectively begin to control and focus their mind on achieving the desired results. Most importantly, self hypnosis helps in controlling emotional eating which is one of the main reasons why some people over eat. They often eat as a response to an emotion, not because they are actually hungry. Through self hypnosis, this out of control behavior can be redirected to a healthier eating pattern. There are a lot of good programs that can be used for self hypnosis, you just need to take the time to use the program so that you can get your desired results.

Hypnotherapy weight loss programs are sometimes combined with other behavioral management programs in an effort to get the maximum results. Since hypnosis doesn't have any negative effects, it can also be used as a good support therapy in conjunction with any other weight reduction program. With hypnosis, you not only lose weight and get in better shape, but your mind also becomes calm and focused as well.

To learn more about how you can use the power of self hypnosis to quickly and easily achieve your weight loss goals go to

=> http://Self-Hypnosis-Weightloss.Info

and see how quick and easy it can be for you to make a lasting change and improvement in your life.

For a Free Video other ways to reach your weightloss goals go to
